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Aluminati partners with EPIC People to build their new community engagement platform

Aluminati partners with EPIC People to build their new community engagement platform

  Aluminati has partnered with EPIC People to deliver its brand-new community engagement platform.  Rebecca Whitton, Head of Client Success...
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What is the purpose of an Alumni website?

What is the purpose of an Alumni website?

Join us to discover the purpose of an alumni website as we explore the benefits of this handy online domain...
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How to find former employees on LinkedIn

How to find former employees on LinkedIn

If wish to find out more about how to find former employees on LinkedIn, read on. The experts at Aluminati...
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Tips for rehiring boomerang employees

Tips for rehiring boomerang employees

Rehiring past employees is a practice that has steadily grown more popular in recent years, we cover tips for rehiring,...
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Flash Mentoring: Definition And How To Guide

Flash Mentoring: Definition And How To Guide

Did you know that according to Forbes, approximately 76% of people have reported that they find mentors useful?    Mentoring...
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Creating Connection Webinar: Developing Strategic Alumni Relationship Programmes
Creating Connection

Creating Connection Webinar: Developing Strategic Alumni Relationship Programmes

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What is the goal of an alumni mentoring program?

What is the goal of an alumni mentoring program?

A worthwhile addition to any educational institution, an alumni mentoring program can be beneficial for current students and alumni alike....
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How to onboard remote employees

How to onboard remote employees

Here’s how to onboard remote employees... In a post-lockdown working landscape, things look different to how they did just a...
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Creating an alumni engagement strategic plan

Creating an alumni engagement strategic plan

Let’s look at how to begin drafting an alumni engagement strategic plan that will guide you to increased interaction and...
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How to Create an Alumni Database

How to Create an Alumni Database

  Eager to create an alumni database that makes accessing important information effortless? It’s a well-known fact that staying in...
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How does alumni fundraising work?

How does alumni fundraising work?

If you are keen to reap the financial rewards of your impressive alumni database, with the right approach to alumni...
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Best Exit Interview Questions

Best Exit Interview Questions

Here are some of the best exit interview questions you can ask a leaving employee—or else rework them to suit...
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How to make your alumni program more accessible

How to make your alumni program more accessible

Are your alumni events not receiving the turnout that you were hoping for - Perhaps it’s time to consider the...
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How can alumni give back?

How can alumni give back?

How can alumni give back, and why should they in the first place? 'Giving back' could be seen as a...
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How do you maintain alumni relations?

How do you maintain alumni relations?

Is your alumni affairs office eager to improve the number or quality of your alumni relations? Or maybe you’re keen...
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Boomerang Employees: Should you rehire a former employee?

Boomerang Employees: Should you rehire a former employee?

Constantly shifting attitudes to the workplace keep on presenting challenges for employers, such as the boomerang employees concept. The COVID...
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How to create an inclusive onboarding experience for new employees

How to create an inclusive onboarding experience for new employees

If you’re not excited about your employee onboarding experience, chances are you’re doing it wrong. To discover how you can...
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How To Develop An Alumni Engagement Program In 7 Steps 

How To Develop An Alumni Engagement Program In 7 Steps 

What do companies like Airbnb, Nike and Yahoo have in common? They were built from members of strong alumni networks...
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How to Increase Alumni Engagement for your University

How to Increase Alumni Engagement for your University

Want to know how to increase alumni engagement for your university, there are plenty of alumni engagement ideas out there...
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What is Alumni and why are alumni important to a University?

What is Alumni and why are alumni important to a University?

What is alumni? What is ‘Alumni’, in the context of academia? It is the plural term for the people who...
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