Having a strong member directory is something that all organizations can benefit from. Whether it’s a public-facing directory or a members-only directory, this feature offers plenty of value to both your organization and your members. 

You just have to make sure you develop a large enough directory to achieve this value.  One of the challenges that organizations face with their member directory is increasing the membership enough to maximize the benefits the directory offers. 


In this guide, we’ll explore why a member directory can be so useful for your organization, and how you can increase your member directory for better results. 



How a Member Directory Works

A member directory includes the necessary information that your organization stores about its members. The directory should include a search field, including a few filters to make it easier for the user to narrow down their search.

Each member listed in the directory includes a summary of who they are and why people might want to connect with them. The listing will either display the contact information of the member, or it will reveal the member’s profile page that offers more information. 

A member directory generally offers the same common data:

  • The member’s name and possibly a link to their individual profile
  • The member’s contact information (email address)
  • The member’s social media handles
  • The member’s role in the organization and professional title
  • A photograph of the member
  • Where the member is located
  • Any other necessary information, such as their academic background

Member directories are accessible by the public, or by other members within that directory. 

Organizations set these directories up to improve networking opportunities and make outreach far more accessible.



How to Increase Your Member Directory

A member directory offers many advantages for organizations. Organizations that use directories need to ensure they have enough members on board, otherwise, the limited directory will not add as much value. 

Here are a few of the best ways to increase your member directory.

1. Use the Right Platform

Without a doubt, the most effective way to increase your member directory is to use a platform that attracts and retains a large number of people. 

The right software makes it easier for members to join, and for users to search. If your member platform is clunky and outdated, you’ll struggle to attract participants. 

So, what should a good membership platform include?

Look for software that offers seamless networking and interaction tools to help members create meaningful relationships. Beyond just being able to find contact information, some platforms offer interactive chat messaging. 

This makes it easier for members to get in contact with each other, exchange advice, opportunities, and support.

The platform should also offer an excellent user experience. Profiles should be attractively displayed, easy to navigate and manage. The right platform should make it easy for members to find the exact person they’re looking for, access relevant information, and connect with them straight away. 

Aluminati offers a modern, user-friendly membership platform that is ideal for any kind of organization. With Aluminati, members can access a broad membership directory that still maintains a personal touch. It’s the perfect place to build networks and enhance outreach. 






2. Use a Directory That’s Easy to Scale

If you want to increase your member directory, you’ll need to use a platform that makes it easy to scale your members. Otherwise, you’ll end up needing to hire staff to manage memberships, which would be a major inconvenience. 

The community platform you use should make it easy to scale up your membership base to a large number of users without requiring additional effort. 

Not only this, but the platform should maintain a personal touch with each member no matter how large your membership grows. 

Being able to manage your membership at scale while still offering total personalization, is necessary for growing a considerable, engaged member directory. 


3. Utilize Your Current Members

Your current members are already actively involved in your directory, so why not use them to help you get more members?

Use your platform to send out a broadcast message to all of your current members, asking them to share information about your member directory. You could even incentivize them by offering a special referral reward for successfully bringing on new members.

People trust referrals and word-of-mouth marketing more than they trust businesses. This means that your current list of members is ideal for helping you increase your member directory.



4. Listen to Your Community

One of the best ways to grow your member directory is to make sure you’re offering the right thing

Reach out to your current members and ask them for feedback. Ask your community about the kind of things they would like to see from your platform to help you develop a more attractive member directory.

Your platform could offer classes, events, programs, and anything else that serves your community. By sharing the right content and offering the right value, you’ll have more people interested in joining and becoming members. 


5. Globalize Your Directory 

The aim is to increase your member directory, so make sure your directory can spread out as far as possible. Use a platform that will help you build a global community. Your directory shouldn’t restrict members within certain areas. 

Anyone using your directory should be able to interact and connect wherever they are. With a platform like Aluminati, creating a member directory with global relevance is easy. 



Why Your Organization Needs a Member Directory

Whatever kind of organization you operate, having a member directory offers a range of benefits. Here are some of the reasons why online member directories matter:

  • They help to legitimize your organization by highlighting strong membership connections, showing long-standing members’ networks, and displaying achievements from your members. 
  • Member directories make outreach and networking much easier. Whether from an outsider trying to find a contact for your organization, or other members wanting to connect with each other, a clear directory makes this effortless. 

By facilitating easier networking, your organization can build more strategic networks and encourage collaboration. 

  • Directories can act as a kind of communication hub, where all of your members’ information is stored. This helps your organization find the right people and stay in contact with them. A directory can be a very helpful component of your CRM. 
  • Having an engaged community of members can help your organization in various ways. It could help you develop brand advocates, create a larger strategic network, attract more engagement around events, share important content, and more. 




Never overlook the power of a member directory. With a strong enough community, you can use the directory to grow your organization and significantly improve the way it operates. 

A useful directory can help you create a better impression for members, as well as provide a better experience for your website visitors. 

By using Aluminati, any organization can create a powerful membership network. This platform can be used to manage memberships at scale, gain useful insights into your members, create long-term membership connections, increase membership revenue, and more. 

This is the easiest and most effective tool to boost the way your member directory operates.