Our top ten highlights

From the BBC’s chief international correspondent setting the conference tone of disruption, to a spectacular mid-week plenary featuring zombies, dead cats and  dealing with crisis, this year’s CASE Europe Annual Conference (CEAC) was quite the event.

Aluminate Community Builder

Aluminati announced the all-new Aluminate Community Builder

Our founder Daniel Watts introduced the all new Aluminate Community Builder, raising an exclamation of “I love it!” from the audience. To find out about this revolutionary new ‘build your own platform’ concept please do get in touch.

Inspiring keynote speech from International Correspondent

Setting the tone of “Disruption”, Lyse Doucet OBE, the BBC’s chief international correspondent said, “Being disrupted allows all of us to consider what we are doing. And to do better. From education to journalism, it is our time to make a difference and find better solutions.”
BBC Correspondent Lyse Doubet Keynote
Awards to Kezia Falconer at CEAC19

Aluminati supports the Emerging Alumni Relations and Supporter Award

Utterly delighted to have supported this award to Kezia Falconer from the University of Glasgow for winning the Emerging Alumni & Support Engagement Award.

She certainly knows what she’s doing with digital engagement!

UWE Bristol finds that online platform increases giving

45% of alumni who registered on the university’s online alumni engagement platform “Alumni Connect” (powered by Aluminate) gave back, as opposed to just 20% of those who did not.

UWE Bristol

Technical University of Denmark found key to better email communication

By collecting alternate email addresses from alumni, DTU grew their database from 3000 to 4200, and increased delivery by automatically attempting alternative address for any bounce backs.

Interactive mid-week plenary looked at dealing with crisis situations and risk

Using ‘news’ snippets featuring CEOs of data grabbing corporations, cat killing VCs, and even zombie hoards, participants were asked how they would respond to evolving crisis situations. This led to much amusement whilst prompting the audience to make some very tough decisions!

CEAC19 Zombies

Durham University effectively engages alumni in China

By finding local champions, using WeChat groups and engaging volunteers, Durham University increased their Chinese alumni chapter from 20 to 150.

“Skills are more valuable than experience argue” GG+A

“Writing, analytical skills and specialised subject knowledge are more important than experience when choosing your Alumni relations staff. Things like the mechanics of fundraising can be taught.”

GG+A Consultants

Personalisation vs creepiness. Where do we find the balance?

The equation that defines Personalisation Value. You want to be Helpful NOT Creepy. @JonnyFWilliams talks about finding the balance. “It’s all about improving user experiences”.

1000 social media authors following one simple rule at Macmillan Cancer Support

Amanda Neylon wanted staff from every element of Macmillan’s service to get involved with their social media. 1000 staff were trained and set loose online, given one simple brief. “Be Brave, Take risks, Don’t be an idiot!”.

Social media tips

Proud to support the CASE Europe Annual Conference

Aluminati have been supporting the Council for Advancement and Support of Education over many years, and share their goal of improving alumni relations, development, and communications. CASE use Aluminate as their global eMentoring platform for their hundreds of thousands of members, connecting advancement professionals worldwide.

The Aluminati Team

About The Author

Andrej Dethlefsen
Marketing & Communications Officer at Aluminati

He is passionate about education, communications and community.

Connect with me on LinkedIn