Aluminati has launched an upgraded Lincoln College Directory which now allows former members of the Oxford University College to search profession and industry lists, discover who else from their year has joined and, most significantly, provides an inter-user messaging facility which preserves privacy whilst encouraging interaction.

The principal objective of the site is to enable former members of the college to keep in touch without having to go via the Alumni Office. It also promotes networking and professional cooperation between alumni.

The upgraded Directory has already attracted more than 283 members, including Lincolnites who are CEOs, COOs, QCs, headmasters, and professors.

Emily Grant, Lincoln College’s Alumni Communications Officer, says: “The upgraded directory provides Lincolnites with a quick and simple way to keep in touch with their college friends and colleagues – and to see who is doing what! Since its launch, the response has been excellent and the system will be promoted to 2011 leavers as a way to obtain careers guidance from Lincolnites already established in their professions. So far 36 members have volunteered as mentors.”

Lincolnites can access the directory from: