As announced yesterday, Recovery Phase 2 initiated yesterday afternoon at about 4pm. This procedure was to cover the restoration of old emails to your accounts.

Recovery continued all evening and into the night with additional processes being started up at 10pm once regular traffic had started to wane. Transfers continued until early morning and we are happy to report that 75% of data has now been transferred.

Unfortunately the early morning increase in member activity coincided with a few large transfers being initiated and caused the servers to become unavailable. We had to throttle the migrations back further and restablise the service (completed by about 9am). We’ve been stable since and are starting to gradually ramp up the restoration rate again to complete the last 25% of accounts. We will keep a close eye on progress and update you via the news section on the homepages.

Many of you have taken advantage of our emergency recovery service for access to important emails and this is still available. Email with details and we will try to restore the information for you rapidly.

Thank you to many of you for citing your understanding with the situation. Once the dust has settled we plan to take stock and give a full evaluation of what happened, why and what we are going to do about it. I am sure you’ll agree that right now the priority is to get everyone back on their feet.

Yours faithfully,


Daniel Watts
Managing Director