As sponsors of the CASE Europe Alumni: Career and Beyond masterclass, Aluminati was pleased to hear of increasing collaboration between Careers and Alumni Relations departments, who are joining forces in order to deliver increased value and build strength in numbers.

The emphasis on the power and benefits of mentoring was highlighted as mentoring increasingly becomes part of alumni engagement programmes.

These benefits include:

  • the enhancing of student and alumni employability
  • non-financial opportunity for alumni to give
  • the building of stronger alumni networks
  • the support of minority groups
  • an uplift in DLHE results

…amongst others.

As institutions scale up their mentoring programmes from tens of participants to 100s, it is becoming increasingly important to consider how they will manage these relationships and processes, against the increasing staff resource requirements.

As always, Aluminati works to bring you solutions helping you to manage your scaled up mentoring programmes and transfer your offline mentoring programme to a more manageable and easy-to-use online platform.

Find out more about the ALUMINATE platform and our eMentoring module or contact us to arrange a demo.

Catch us in August at our next sponsored CASE event – the brilliant CASE Annual Conference.