Responding to customer feedback, Aluminati has introduced a new anti-spam system into its email service.

The new system – already rolled out to assist almost 90,000 Aluminati customers –replaces an older, and at times, inadequate layer which was regularly causing bottlenecks and mail delays.

The state-of-the-art system has taken several months to develop, test and implement, and is now routinely available to all Aluminati users, regardless of account level.

In simple terms, the implementation allows users a choice of personal anti-spam options – “blacklisted” addresses, from which emails are automatically blocked; “whitelisted” addresses, from where emails will always be delivered, but still scanned for viruses; and a “greylist” status, which gives the user the option to enable or disable senders’ messages. A guide to using this new system can be found within the help sections of our various service websites.

Daniel Watts, Managing Director of the Aluminati Network Group, says: “Our new anti-spam layer is a tried, tested and trusted system, using established anti-spam techniques.

Until now, spam mail seems to have been the greatest concern to our users, so – in direct response to this vital customer feedback – we have addressed the problem by developing and implementing the new system.

The new system is, of course, in addition to our existing RBL (realtime blacklist) which already stops the vast majority of spam from hitting inboxes. I am therefore confident that the implementation of this extra security will be welcomed by all Aluminati users.