A strong social media presence is crucial for business. It boosts your visibility, establishes your authority in the marketplace, engages your target audience, and can even direct more traffic to your official website. That is all possible when you have the right social media strategy.

A good enterprise social media strategy for your corporate community’s needs is just as good for business, if not more. It will engage your employees, alumni, and stakeholders, and allow them to network more effectively, so you all build a better organization, together.

Discover how to create an enterprise social media strategy that works for your entire organization, with Aluminate for Enterprise.

What is an enterprise social media strategy?

If you want your social media marketing efforts to be a success, you need the best social media marketing tools, and of course, engaging content on the most influential social channels. Your social media team must devise an enterprise social media strategy.

This strategy manages your organization, company, or brand’s social media presence. It defines everything from your social media marketing goals to the steps you take on social media channels, to achieve them.

How to create an enterprise social media strategy in 8 steps

To maximize your social media game and promote social networking, you need to create an enterprise social media strategy. Follow our eight easy steps below.

1. Define the objectives of your social media marketing strategy

Before you can create any social media strategy, you need to define the business objectives behind it. It’s the same with your enterprise social media. What goals do you wish to achieve through the use of social media?

Surprisingly, these objectives are often very similar for your corporate community as they are for your public audience. For external social media, you want to attract new customers but also engage existing ones. For your enterprise social network, you want to engage corporate alumni, current employees, and perhaps even external stakeholders.

At the end of the day, it’s about providing attractive and engaging content.

2. Identify your social media marketing target audience

A social media strategy for your existing and potential new customers targets a particular segment of the public.  No matter how engaging the content, it won’t take you far if you don’t understand your audience demographics. Ensure you have identified your correct target audience.

Are you creating an enterprise social network for your employees and alumni? In this case, you know who your audience is. But these two audiences have different needs. For either audience, ask yourself what exactly they are looking for when they access your content.

Aluminate for Enterprise lets you narrow down this focus even further, with the Groups feature. It allows you to segment your corporate community into sub-communities, based on their needs and interests.

enterprise social media strategy

3. Choose the right social media platforms

Once you have determined what your objectives are, and who your audience is, it’s time to choose the appropriate platforms. Every social media strategy rests heavily on choosing the right social channels, because different population groups and age groups may favor different channels. Do the research.

The enterprise social network platform you choose for use across your organization is even more crucial. Your corporate community is best served by a network exclusive to them, with the networking and collaboration tools they need to get ahead.

Aluminate for Enterprise fits the bill perfectly. As the most highly customizable corporate community platform in the world, it offers all the hallmarks of social media channels they love, combined with the tools they need like collaborative spaces and even mentor matching.

4. Develop social media content guidelines 

An enterprise social media strategy is not complete without policies for its use, and guidelines for the type of content you display. But there’s one very important thing to remember for your business’s external social media accounts and internal social network platform.

The content should reflect your company culture, brand messaging, and brand identity. This will build brand loyalty in your customer base, and confidence in your corporate community.

To make it easier for the public to know what these policies, rules, and guidelines are, post them where they can easily be accessed.

You should do the same for your enterprise social network, and Aluminate has the perfect solution. The digital library can house your platform’s tutorials on how to navigate the platform, as well as your organization’s policies and guidelines.

5. Share valuable content with your corporate communities

You’re halfway to building the perfect social media strategy, but without the right approach to content, all will be in vain. Follow these tips to create content your audience will engage with:

  • Create relevant content as a part of a wider digital marketing strategy.
  • Devise a content calendar and post new content regularly.
  • Be consistent in your content guidelines.
  • Encourage the sharing of content on your social media networks.

Social media algorithms reward relevant and consistent posts. You can keep everything personalized on your internal social media platform too.

Every member on the Aluminate platform has a unique profile, making it easier for them to engage with one another. The dynamic digital dashboard also shows each user the right content tailored to their interests.

enterprise social media strategy

6. Encourage employee and corporate alumni participation

On your company’s social media pages, encourage user participation through sharing content, uploading user-generated content, and giving reviews of your services or products. This keeps them interacting with your brand and attracts new potential customers.

Encourage participation on your enterprise social media platform for your employees and corporate alumni in similar ways. Allow them to upload and share content (subject to your rules and guidelines).

Keep up-to-date with the members using your social media platforms. Allow them to update their personal data when necessary. Do the same for employees with Aluminate’s social data sync feature.

7. Measure and analyze your social media performance

Ensure that your social media marketing plan is working for you by measuring the performance of your social media campaigns. With a good social media management tool, you can measure and analyze your social media performance.

Based on the results of your social media audit, tweak your social media posts where necessary. This may include updating posts and using more relevant keywords that mirror your customers’ online searches.

Measure your in-house enterprise social networking channel’s performance, too. Employee and alumni engagement metrics offer valuable insights into your community and what they’re looking for in your organization. The Aluminate Community Builder offers you all the insights and data you need to consistently improve your strategy.

8. Monitor and evolve

Your social media plan will always be in a state of flux because your target audience’s interests and needs will evolve, and so will those of your corporate community. Your social media strategies must evolve, too.

Monitor how much engagement your content generates and which posts inspire most online conversations. Adapt to new trends and search intent, adjust your content posting schedule, or look for ways to create more compelling content.

Your corporate community audience demands the same dedication as your public one. Post educational content that teaches them new skills. Upload interviews with industry leaders or reviews of the latest business trends. Offer them news articles, image galleries, and short-form videos.

Keep checking the engagement metrics for clues to your strategy’s success.

enterprise social media strategy

Incorporate Aluminate for Enterprise for a winning strategy

To make the most of your social media marketing efforts, you need a strong social media strategy. You must identify who your target audience is, and what they want. You must create relevant content they find interesting enough to keep coming back to, and even share with others.

And it’s the same for your in-house enterprise social media strategy, targeting your corporate community.  But even a great social media strategy is nothing without the right platform. That’s why so many leading organizations choose Aluminate for Enterprise for their enterprise social networking.

To find out why, try it yourself. Request a demo today.