All organizations should consider developing an engaged alumni network. Get it right, and your network will offer many long-term benefits. In order to achieve this, you’ll need to use the right alumni network platform.

An alumni network platform takes all of the time-consuming administrative work out of managing your alumni network. The right platform will help you achieve more engagement with less effort. And it can offer a wider range of benefits to your organization.

Follow this guide for everything you need to know about an alumni network platform, and why they are so important.

These platforms are also used by businesses to develop their own strategic networks, improve internal communications with employees, and strengthen company productivity. 




What is an Alumni Network Platform? 

An alumni network platform is a type of software application that organizations and institutions can use to engage with their former students or employees. An alumni network allows the organization to stay in contact with these individuals. It also allows the alumni to stay in contact with each other and develop their own strategic networks. 

An alumni networking platform can be used to build communities for education and for corporate organizations. These online platforms offer a range of features that make it easy for alumni to connect, develop their networks, find opportunities, and maintain relationships.
Online networking platforms also offer various features to help the organization stay in touch with alumni, communicate with them effectively, and create a more engaged alumni network. This includes aspects like the ability to share job listings, events, create groups, and more.

The right networking platform makes it easy to establish strong alumni communities and keep them engaged online. This can offer many benefits to all kinds of organizations. 



Why Do Organizations Use Corporate Alumni Platforms?

Investing in an alumni network platform allows businesses to maintain mutually beneficial relationships with former employees. Staying in contact with these alumni can provide various levels of value at a later stage. 

Possibly the biggest benefit of business networking platforms and maintaining alumni relationships is based around recruitment. An engaged alumni network provides a platform to help organizations recruit alumni at a later stage if the right situation arises. It also opens up your recruitment to your alumni’s broader networks, which could make it much easier to find the right talent.

Investing in corporate alumni software programs can also assist with sales lead generation, as your business will have a bigger network to reach out to. 

A business networking platform can also help you spread stronger brand awareness and provide your organization with valuable brand advocates. 

By maintaining relationships with alumni, you’ll have a network of people ready to talk about and promote your brand. 



Five Things to Consider in an Alumni Network Platform

Building an engaged alumni network requires the right business network platform. Here are a few considerations for building an engaged community, and what you should take into account when choosing the right alumni network platform. 

1. Personalization 

Alumni are more engaged when they receive a personalized experience. It’s important that the alumni networking platform you use can send out personalized content to different alumni. 

For example, if your alumni network is spread out across the world, you should only send events to alumni in areas that they can attend. If you just send out blanket messages and content to your entire network, they will soon lose interest. 

2. Engagement 

Any good alumni network platform needs to be based on engagement and participation. A platform for business networking is not designed to be used for one-sided communication.

Instead, it should accommodate an alumni engagement strategy where you can actively share content, events, opportunities, and offers, and involve alumni participation. 

3. Inclusivity 

In order to create a thriving alumni community, you’ll need to make sure everyone is involved. Choose an alumni network platform that extends far, and can include multiple different groups and geographies. 

4. User-friendliness 

Platforms for networking online need to look impressive and be a pleasure to use. If you’re going to attract a large alumni network and keep them engaged, then you’ll need to make sure the alumni network platform offers an excellent user experience. 

The software you choose should have all of the features and functionalities to make your network’s life easier. If you choose outdated, difficult software, you’ll struggle to keep your alumni network engaged. 

5. Authentic and relevant 

Alumni communication is all about engagement, so you shouldn’t just focus on a platform that shares one-way information. Instead, make sure you’re able to use your alumni network platform to share relevant content, and let your network easily communicate and find things that interest them. 

If you’re using the platform solely to share news about your business, you won’t end up with an engaged alumni network. 



The Importance Of Using The Right Alumni Network Platform 

Now that you know why an alumni network is so important, you’re probably asking: “what platform should I use to network?”

The right online network platform doesn’t just help your alumni to stay more engaged, but it can offer various either benefits for your business. This includes developing a stronger internal network of current staff.

With an alumni network platform like Aluminati, you can offer a faster and more efficient onboarding experience that makes it easier for new staff to settle in. You can improve collaborative networking efforts, strengthen professional growth within your organization, and more. 

Alumni engagement platforms like this put all of your alumni engagement tools into one centralized place, making it easier to keep all your important alumni data up to date. 

This makes it easier to keep your network engaged, while also being able to make data-driven decisions to help your alumni actions achieve better results. 




Building an engaged alumni network is important for any kind of organization. It can offer many long-term advantages and can be the secret to boosting your brand.

If you’re looking for a new platform for networking and developing a strong alumni community, then consider using Aluminati

It’s the ultimate tool to build and develop a thriving work community for more employee and alumni engagement. It aims to strengthen your brand and develop a more positive workplace culture.