Here’s how to onboard remote employees…

In a post-lockdown working landscape, things look different to how they did just a handful of years ago. Many people now carry out their roles from home, and even from different countries.

However, the business needs of employing staff remain and remote workers still need the crucial support and information that helps them enter a new role smoothly and grow into a real asset to the business.


What does onboarding mean in business?

Onboarding is the process of bringing an employee into the business and helping them integrate with the company, its people, and its culture.

In many ways, it’s an employee’s most important time with a business. Like with all first impressions, a poor onboarding experience can sour an employee’s experience so badly that it contributes to staff turnover and hampers employee success.

A positive and structured onboarding experience is essential to making every new hire feel welcome and giving them the strong morale needed to thrive.


What makes a good onboarding process?

The span of time and specific stages of onboarding is open for each company to decide for themselves, but there are some crucial components that should ideally be included, such as:


A company’s culture is what makes it an enjoyable place to work. Introducing an employee to the culture in a structured and informative way helps them to understand the values they’re expected to embody and the kind of attitude they should carry in order to contribute positively to that culture.


It’s incredibly daunting to join a big group of people who already know each other. Welcoming a new hire in and announcing their introduction to the business saves them from having to explain themselves repeatedly and takes away the stress of needing to approach colleagues to make introductions individually.

If you use an employee and alumni management platform, you can add new remote employees to give them a soft introduction to everybody else in the business and let them get familiar with names at their own pace.

The role

The new employee will ideally already have a grasp of what they’ve come in to do, but it’s still necessary to ease them into their role and give them more information on the systems they’ll be using and people they’ll be working with. People joining a new business can often be nervous and reluctant to ask for help or clarification at first, so giving newcomers a strong understanding of what’s expected of them is absolutely needed.


Can software help my remote onboarding?


Still wondering how to onboard remote employees?

Aluminate for Enterprise is a corporate alumni software platform built specifically to answer many needs of businesses with both in-office and remote employees. Improve employee retention, unlock opportunities for your business and community, and create a smooth onboarding process that supports your organisation’s true potential.

To find out more or see a demo of our products, contact us today.