Join us to discover the purpose of an alumni website as we explore the benefits of this handy online domain – Calling all alumni relations managers, associations, and networks!

If you want to drive engagement, offer students unparalleled education and career support, as well as boost your fundraising efforts, an effective alumni website is essential.

Regardless of whether you want to improve your existing alumni website or start one from scratch, we can help you to pinpoint key features that serve the welfare of your institution.


What is meant by an alumni website?

An alumni website refers to an online domain that alumni can use to connect with their institution.

As the alumni, by definition, will no longer be attending the institution, the alumni website acts as portal, allowing the organisation to communicate regularly with its former students.


Why build an alumni website?

Put simply, the primary reason for building an alumni website is to improve communication between the institution and its alumni.

With good communication, you can shout about everything from student success stories and upcoming reunions to fundraising campaigns and the latest news from your institution.

Your alumni community can explore further any areas that interest them, encouraging them to stay connected to the institution long after they’ve left.

Your alumni can offer support to the institution in the form of providing work experience opportunities for current students, financial aid (for new equipment, facilities, or research, for example), and promoting or attending related events.

The sheer variety of announcements that can be made on an alumni website, coupled with the fact there are (as of January 2023) 5.16 billion internet users worldwide, makes the creation of an online domain for alumni a no-brainer if you want to reach a larger audience.

While there are costs related to building a website (hiring a developer to build the site and the price of the domain itself), websites are relatively inexpensive and sustainable forms of alumni communication.

Unlike bulky and pricey newsletters sent to physical addresses that are constantly changing, websites can be easily updated and visited by alumni at their leisure.

Not to mention, sharing any updates from the alumni website on linked social media accounts (like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram) can also increase the number of alumni visitors actively engaging with your content.

The website therefore becomes an invaluable hub of information that your alumni can refer back to if they want to find out more about an event or scheme.

A dedicated alumni website can therefore help your institution to grow the number of members in their alumni association, which in turn can improve donations, generate invaluable word-of-mouth marketing, and even encourage students to apply to or attend the educational institution.


woman looking at an alumni website


Grab the attention of your alumni

Staying in touch with your alumni and forming a successful alumni association, however, can require more than just a great website.

This is where Aluminati can help. We specialise in creating customisable and flexible alumni engagement software platforms for the education and enterprise sector that bring communities together by helping them to form mutually-beneficial relationships.

Our education sector engagement platform is particularly well-suited to driving fundraising efforts, supporting alumni mentorship programmes, and boosting alumni placement. Featuring a unique builder system, you can tailor the system to suit your needs – be they event marketing, content publication, or group management.

You can take advantage of interactive chat messaging, event promotions, data imports, and more when you explore our interaction, content, and administrative modules. Ideal for incentivising alumni, you can encourage valuable connections to keep in touch and, more importantly, engage with your institution and greater community.

To learn more about our intuitive and user-friendly alumni engagement platform and how it can help your institution to reach new heights, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our helpful team today!

Alternatively, why not dive straight into the experience and request an online demonstration?

We’ll work with you to arrange a suitable time and date for your personalised demonstration, allowing you to see how the platform can significantly improve the alumni relations at your institution.

If you’d rather speak to us first, feel free to pick up the phone and call us on 01638 676 232.

You can also reach us via email or through social media – we have an account on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn where you can receive a speedy reply to an enquiry!